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Google Customer From The U.S.A

In mid-August 2011, an American customer learned from GOOGLE that we produce waterproof metal button switches. He felt that the metal buttons were very beautiful. They made audio and video, so he contacted us.

I talked a lot with him, including their product structure, how they use the scene, what problems will happen later when they use this button. Considering the high labor cost in the United States, we also designed a button switch with direct wire.

In this way, they are convenient, simple and efficient.

Google customer from The U.S.A

They are very happy to cooperate with us, they are happy to call us strategic partners, so far we have designed and developed 73 different button switches for them, so that they have a strong competitive advantage, and there will be more.

In 2016, we visited their company in the United States and learned that their company has been developing rapidly since 2011 when they cooperated with us. Their company has been growing from 12 to 134 people, and the company is developing constantly.

Google customer from The U.S.A